The Team


We are a grassroots initiative of mission driven people with backgrounds in farming & conservation, engineering & finance, education & IT, nutrition & body work, arts & events, and we are seeking to grow and bring on board thought leaders and practitioners from a variety of crafts & trades as well as the world of healing and health. 

We are world citizens and believe that happiness does not exist without nature. We are consumers who want to revolutionize the system, and together with you, we hold the keys to a future economy that creates well-being and happiness without costing the planet, building on the best achievements of all worlds: mindfully using newest technologies as well as traditional practices and ancient wisdom (and a fair bit of common sense too).


Anna Lehmann


Mad about apples, trained in regenerative farming, passionate about speaking truth.


Ruth Chalker

Horticulturalist and Co-Director of Happy Belly Foods Project

Passionate about engaging children in the outdoors and creating all-weather living classrooms.

Jolie Pierce

theatre maker, producer and writer, Co-Director of the LTTL Pilgrimage for Nature,

Loves a walk, passionate about hedgerows and reaching people’s hearts through theatre.


Mish Maudsley

Digital Design consultant & Creative Director

Working with social enterprises and ethical organisations, helping to shape the world for the better through the power of design. Urban artist and travel nut.